ACT Therapy Services

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What to Expect

Acquire the ability to articulate their principles and act resolutely in support of those beliefs, despite challenges or disappointments. The following are some things to anticipate from an ACT treatment session:

Comprehensive Initial Assessment in Therapy

To comprehend your presenting issues, your background, and your therapeutic objectives, the therapist will do an initial evaluation. Standardized questionnaires may also be used to assess psychological functioning traits like sadness or anxiety.

Discovering Your Values in Therapy

Your therapist will assist you in discovering your values, or the things that matter most to you in life. You could be asked to consider your objectives, your connections, and your sense of purpose.

Mindfulness in ACT Therapy

ACT places a strong emphasis on the value of mindfulness, or being open-minded and curiously aware of the current moment. Your therapist could lead you through breathing techniques or body scans as examples of mindfulness exercises.

Defusing from Thoughts: A Key Skill in ACT Therapy

Instead of attempting to alter or get rid of their ideas, ACT clients learn how to "defuse" them. Your therapist could give you strategies for looking at your thoughts with interest rather than becoming caught up in them.

Achieving Goals with Therapeutic Guidance

Your therapist will support you in setting and achieving your objectives, even in the face of discomfort or setbacks. This might entail creating a strategy, breaking objectives down into doable segments, and acknowledging accomplishments along the route.


For those in need of therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) offers a number of possible advantages. The following are some of ACT's main advantages:

a woman with her eyes closed

Improved Psychological Flexibility

With ACT, people can become more psychologically flexible, that is, capable of adjusting to difficult or upsetting situations without being bogged down or overwhelmed by them. This can make it easier for people to handle challenging circumstances and improve their ability to control their thoughts and emotions.

a woman in a pink sweater is sitting on a bed with her head down

Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Studies indicate that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may be efficacious in mitigating symptoms of anxiety and depression, especially in contrast to conventional cognitive-behavioral treatment. This might be a result of ACT's emphasis on cultivating acceptance and mindfulness techniques as opposed to just attempting to alter or get rid of unfavorable ideas and feelings.

a man is giving a woman a piggyback ride and the woman is laughing

Enhance Quality of Life

Engaging in ACT may help people discover their unique beliefs and become more flexible psychologically, which can help them feel more purposeful and meaning-filled in life. Additionally, they could feel more a part of their ideals and objectives and be better equipped to pursue them with dedication and purpose.

a woman with curly hair is smiling and looking at the camera

Increased Self-awareness

ACT promotes increased awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as increased curiosity and openness to one's inner experiences. People may use this to better understand their own thought and behavior patterns and make more deliberate decisions regarding their life goals.

a man and a woman are hugging each other and smiling

Improved Relationship

By developing greater psychological flexibility and clarifying personal values, individuals who engage in ACT may also experience improved relationships with others. They may be more able to communicate effectively, set healthy boundaries, and connect with others in a more authentic and meaningful way.

Reliable ACT Therapy Services

Streamline Professional Counseling offers quality and reliable ACT therapy services. ACT therapy will improve physical flexibility, reduce anxiety and depression, and provide further benefits. Start your healing journey by requesting a call back from us today. We offer free initial consultations and virtual appointments.

Ready to Schedule a Session?

Contact Streamline Professional Counseling today to schedule your free initial consultation and start your journey with our ACT therapy services.

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Streamline Professional Counseling

Located in Prescott, AZ. Streamline Professional Counseling specializes in individual counseling, couple counseling, children's counseling, and family counseling. Discounts on prepaid appointments. Free initial consultation. Virtual appointments available. Call for an appointment.

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